Thursday, September 25, 2008

An Unspeakable Poem from the Heart

The wind of change blows cold
On dreams, on health...
And even true love

Some choose to follow the wind
Some go against it
Some even try to change the wind

But I merely protect myself
And do what i do
And keep myself warm
That i may be constant and true
To those who believe in me
However cold
And whichever way the wind blows

-By Piranha, Simple Words

This fits me best and i love this poem, always misunderstood, none understands, however God has its video of everyone's goods & bads... I always believe in getting what each deserve. Good or bad.. Why not just be good & make everyone in this world a little happier? Small little things that could really brighten up someone's day. Eventually you'll feel happier too. =)

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